Administrator Guide 2017
Collecting Sage details in magic5

This is an advanced procedure and should only be undertaken by an administrator who is confident about how magic5 works. 

Make sure a copy of the template is taken before making changes, especially in a live environment.

If you are unsure of how to proceed, do not hesitate to give us a call on 0117 4032349 during office hours or email us at

  • Open the template

    Select the appropriate template from the template list

  • Create a section to contain Sage items

     This may or may not be visible to the device user.  Some systems prefer to fill this in on the office portal.

  • Create items within the section

     In order for Sage to understand what is being sent it is important that the correct unique name is used.  Here is a list of the main ones and what they refer to:

    inputInvoiceNo the number to tell Sage to use
    invoiceType empty, IP (Invoice Post) ie normal prinatable or B for Batch invoice
    invoiceDetails applies to Batch invoices contains details
    invoiceDate defaults to current date.  It can be empty but a date entered here appears on the invoice as the invoice date
    splitNominalCode this is not essential and defaults to 4000.  When batch invoicing it allocates the split to that code.

    normal invoices only - doesn't work on batch. 

    up to 5 sets of mLineDesc, mLineComment1, mLineComment2 can be allocated for more information on work undertaken.

    Description appears with the product. 

    mLineComment1 appears below the product line
    mLineComment2 appears below the product line
    outputInvoiceNo this is returned from Sage and is the same number that appears on the connector

    for normal invoices this fills in the amount pre-paid field in Sage.  It is usually used for cash sale.  However, variablePricedItems can use this for calculating prices by deducting products with known prices which leaves the amount charge for unknown/unpriced items.

    for batch invoices this assigns an allocated payment of the payment received amount to the batch invoice

    variablePricedItem list of Sage product codes, separated by commas.  These can be used to calculate the difference above
    paymentRef Applies to normal invoices only and is a payment reference.
    bankCode defaults to 1200 and is used when allocating a payment received.
    deliveryAddress normal invoices only and relates to the delivery address from Sage
    orderNo This goes into order number field in Sage
    customerOrderNo This goes into the customer order number field in Sage
    summaryTotal overall price of a batch invoice
    sg_h_[Sage variable name] can be used as a unique name to send other information to Sage.  The Sage variable name needs to be provided by magic5 support.